Things required:
Earthen Pot or flower vase
Arclyic colours
Golden paint
Painting brushes
M-seal can be bought from a hardware shop. You have to mix the two parts into one. Recently mixed m-seal is available which can be used directly.
I have painted the vase with a coat of black. Keep aside for the paint to dry.
From the M-seal, make small balls and press with your fingers to form the petals . Arrange in the shape of flowers. Similarly make leaf shapes and long strings for the stems. Arrange as required on the pot. No need of glue, as m-seal sticks to the pot. Keep aside 1 or 2 hrs for drying.
Once it is dried, give colours for flowers leaves etc. I have given golden colour to create an antique look.
These type of art work are very simple and comes out beautifully. Children can be involved in these type of creative projects.